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Was wäre, wenn … die katholische Kirche den Zölibat abschaffte? 05.03.2024 08:11:00

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Lange hatte Papst Franziskus es vermieden, sich in der Diskussion um den Zölibat klar zu positionieren. Doch im März 2023 bezeichnete er in einem Interview die Ehelosigkeit der Priester als eine „provisorische“ und „zeitliche Vorschrift“, die durchaus revidierbar sei. „Es liegt kein Widerspruch darin, dass ein Priester heiraten kann“, so der 86-... mehr auf christoph-koch.net

polaris 23.05.2017 17:03:48

bible heaven poetry god life poet's corner poem verse
photo © tim marshall The post polaris appeared first on Just a Smidgen. { This is a content exerpt only.. Please click on the Blog Title to continue reading this post, share your love, browse Just a Smidgen and more.. } ... mehr auf justasmidgen.com

Sex: Geld: Macht: Gier ! 14.08.2018 21:50:13

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  #Sex: #Geld: #Macht: #Gier ! Die Folge der Gier nach Geld und unbegrenzter Macht sind  Immobilien-, Banken- , Staatsschulden-, Regierungskrisen Höchste Zeit für die Begrenzung von Amtszeiten  sowie die Wiedereinführung des Bankentrennungssystems (Glass-Steagall-Act)  von Freddy Kühne Widersteht der Geldgier. Sie ist eine Wurzel allen Übels. ... mehr auf 99thesen.com

For The Love Of Books 19.11.2019 01:35:00

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Books. I love them. The scent. The texture. The words. Large print and information. Books. I went through a time of not reading any books besides the Bible. I did a “Clean House” and discarded many books from my home library and ordered a King James Version Bible online and pulled out a simple spiral...... mehr auf hercuprunsover.com

To heaven and back … or not. 18.03.2014 17:12:55

bible christian quotes faith articles religion
Some time ago I wrote about the many books concerning people who allegedly died, went to heaven and came back to tell us about it. I voiced my concern … and disbelief (sadly, due to me forgetting to  tag and categorize my blogs diligently I can’t find the blog I’m referring to) However, a few […]... mehr auf rieteblog.wordpress.com

Inerrant God and the Spirit of the Bible 22.10.2017 22:02:28

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I am still dealing in my head with Agent X’s article „Prophets of Consumerist Doom“. We entered a serious debate over at his blog and I have also added an article on my blog to the discussion. As I want to keep things more approachable also for other readers, I write another blog article rather […] Der Beitrag ... mehr auf blog.debenny.de

Your Word 29.10.2019 17:54:18

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Growing up, September has always felt like the beginning of a new year. School is back in session and the season of autumn blends in. Also many family gatherings and the holidays around the corner. Oh, how I love September, October, November and December. These months are when I get inspired, become motivated, productive and...... mehr auf hercuprunsover.com

Her Cup Runs Over 16.10.2019 00:07:43

jesus christ faith homeschooling christian writer wife daughters bryana templin journey marie christian wife christian marriage home christian mother mom blogger her cup runneth over parenting coffee writer mom blog homeschool introverted coffee blog homemaker life marriage her cup runs over wifehood joshua templin mother homebody coffee drinker motherhood introvert filled up poured out psalm 23 the templins coffee date my cup runneth over homemaking filled up to be poured out blogger christian blogger jesus christian christian parenting children bible josephine marie
Hi there! Welcome to Her Cup Runs Over. I’m Bryana Templin. Wife, Mother, and Homemaker. Coffee Drinker, Jesus Follower, Introverted, Homebody and Writer. Her Cup Runs Over is my place to share my joy and fulfillment from the people, places and things that made an impact on my life and made me who I am...... mehr auf hercuprunsover.com

Photo Blog: Day 2268 17.04.2018 07:00:05

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#2268 – Communion (Vintage 17) Worthing, 2018.... mehr auf ckponderings.wordpress.com

Verschenken Sie eine Bibel für Kinder! 12.04.2019 09:00:17

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Die Bibel ist ein ganz besonderes Geschenk für Ostern Die Bibel- das Buch der Bü... mehr auf inar.de

What Message Does Your Flagship Send? 25.09.2014 05:42:01

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Travis walks in to worship service at your church for the first time. By the end of service, he’s resolved to come back, and he does so every week for several months while progressively becoming more involved with Sunday School and bible studies. Then one Sunday as he’s observing the band, he notices that with […]... mehr auf worshipconvergence.wordpress.com


abi archbishop bible
DIVING FOR PEARLS IN GOD’S TREASURE CHEST An Easy Way To Study The Bible By Rev. Robert A. French – via ArchBishop Uwe AE.Rosenkranz for more wisdom teaching, pls fill the form below: Full Name: Email: © All rights reserved May 20, 1999 Table of Contents Introduction Four Steps For Studying The Bible 1. Pray: […]... mehr auf bishoprosary.org

kind words – my diary 25.02.2018 19:45:10

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Tagebuch Eintrag 4 – 25. Februar 2018 – Palma de Mallorca …for english Version please scroll down Zuerst wollte ich eigentlich einen Frisuren Blog machen, aber seit einigen Tagen verfolgen mich die Wörter “kind words” und ich konnte nicht anders als darüber zu schreiben.  Ich hoffe ihr nehmt mir das nicht übel. Wäre schön, w... mehr auf fashionbellehair.com

Best Friends Quotes Bible 16.04.2021 08:09:00

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Pin On My Blog ... mehr auf anastasiaswelt.blogspot.com

Matthew‬ ‭6:25‬ 17.06.2021 00:52:42

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““Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing?”... mehr auf garydavidlum.com

Life Update & What’s In My Reading Tote Bag 11.10.2023 10:00:00

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I am currently on a 3-week unpaid leave of absence so posts will be sporadic. More info to come later. Here is what is in my reading tote bag. From top to bottom: Bio: Michele Kearns is the founder and HUG© (Hope Unites Globally) Award-Winner of JoyReturns. She shares her adventures hoping to inspire widows to move through grief... mehr auf joyreturns.com


bible abi archbishop
DIVING FOR PEARLS IN GOD’S TREASURE CHEST An Easy Way To Study The Bible By Rev. Robert A. French – via ArchBishop Uwe AE.Rosenkranz for more wisdom teaching, pls fill the form below: Full Name: Email: © All rights reserved May 20, 1999 Table of Contents Introduction Four Steps For Studying The Bible 1. Pray: […]... mehr auf bishoprosary.org

What We Need to Spend More Time Doing In 2021 05.01.2021 10:00:00

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You, me, and We The People need to dig deeper into God’s word this year. I’m not talking about just reading but meditating on what you read and praying more passionately and more often. It is not just me that believes this but my friend and fellow blogger Sherline from Sherline’s Watchu Thinking Blog is also thinking this way. I&#... mehr auf joyreturns.com

Galatians 5:14 18.06.2021 12:18:16

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Galatians 5:14 ESV “For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.””... mehr auf garydavidlum.com

LaTribuna Christian Publishing Reports on The Good News of John 3:16 14.02.2020 06:57:17

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LaTribuna Christian Publishing’s CEO Chaplain Paul Vescio explains the Good News of John 3:16. Phoenix, AZ, Feb 14, 2020 — Chaplain Paul Vescio LaTribuna’s CEO is quoted saying, “The Good News of John 3:16 as Der Artikel ... mehr auf inar.de

Biblical License To Condemn Others 22.11.2021 00:00:00

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Do you know that there is a Bible approved basis upon which you can condemn other people? Let us consider this together: Continue reading →... mehr auf 4thlink.wordpress.com

Friends Reference In Bible 08.06.2021 06:10:00

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Pin On Faith ... mehr auf anastasiaswelt.blogspot.com

What Is A Good Bible Verse For Birthdays 17.04.2021 11:05:00

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Pin On Send Iments ... mehr auf anastasiaswelt.blogspot.com

My thought for this Sunday (okay, not exactly “mine”) 02.02.2014 15:59:24

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You can think what you will about Bono, but I admire his honesty and outspokenness. His explanation of the difference between Karma and Grace is very clear (and I happen to totally agree with him). Bono on the difference between Grace and Karma “It’s a mind-blowing concept that the God who created the Universe might be […]... mehr auf rieteblog.wordpress.com

The NET Bible® First Edition- referred by ArchBishop Uwe AE.Rosenkranz 22.05.2015 11:27:44

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The NET Bible® First Edition A New Approach to Translation, Thoroughly Documented With 60,932 Notes By The Translators and Editors Copyright © 1996 – 2005 All Rights Reserved version 5.1101 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. Internet: www.bible.org Toll Free in USA: 888-997-6884 For usage information, please read the NET Copyright statement fo... mehr auf bishoprosary.org

Das Blog zum Sonntag: Wie geht es mit der Erde weiter ? 23.02.2020 11:37:58

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Das Blog zum Sonntag: Wie geht es mit der Erde weiter ? Die Frage nach der Zukunft : Was die Prophezeiungen der Bibel sagen                 Wir Menschen machen uns Gedanken über unsere Zukunft. Die Einen planen Reisen bis zum Mond und zum Mars: Die USA wollen in Kürze […]... mehr auf 99thesen.com

What Does The Bible Say About Friendships 03.04.2021 17:06:00

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Pin On Bible Journaling ... mehr auf anastasiaswelt.blogspot.com

Blog zum Sonntag: Endzeit – Letzte Zornschale vor Jesus Wiederkunft + Euer König Yeshua kommt + Bereitet Euch auf die Ankunft des Gottessohnes Messias vor 27.09.2020 02:20:34

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Blog zum Sonntag: Endzeit – Letzte Zornschale vor Jesus Wiederkunft + Euer König Yeshua kommt + Bereitet Euch auf die Wiederkunft des Gottessohnes Messias vor   Yom Kippur a day of Judgement, and Repentance, fulfilled by our Highpriest Yeshua     Seit bald zehn Monaten erleben wir eine Art Apokalypse – in vielen Ländern d... mehr auf 99thesen.com

The NET Bible® First Edition- referred by ArchBishop Uwe AE.Rosenkranz 22.05.2015 11:27:44

net bible abi archbishop bible
The NET Bible® First Edition A New Approach to Translation, Thoroughly Documented With 60,932 Notes By The Translators and Editors Copyright © 1996 – 2005 All Rights Reserved version 5.1101 by Biblical Studies Press, L.L.C. Internet: www.bible.org Toll Free in USA: 888-997-6884 For usage information, please read the NET Copyright statement fo... mehr auf bishoprosary.org