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Tag holley_gerth

Life Update & What’s In My Reading Tote Bag 11.10.2023 10:00:00

holley gerth bible james reimann gratitue grief joyful life weekend wisdom melissa zaldivar l.b. cowman
I am currently on a 3-week unpaid leave of absence so posts will be sporadic. More info to come later. Here is what is in my reading tote bag. From top to bottom: Bio: Michele Kearns is the founder and HUG© (Hope Unites Globally) Award-Winner of JoyReturns. She shares her adventures hoping to inspire widows to move through grief... mehr auf joyreturns.com

Introvert Weekend Wisdom: Hard-Won Resilience 12.09.2020 15:00:00

holley gerth the powerful purpose of introverts hard-one resilience weekend wisdom
Welcome to another weekend of quotes from Holley Gerth’s book The Power of Introverts, Why The World Needs You To Be You. The book releases on Tuesday 15 September. I have finished reading it and will do a review on Thursday 17 September. This quote seems the perfect on to publish the day after 9/11. Experiential resilience means doing what... mehr auf joyreturns.com

Introvert Weekend Wisdom: Sacred Confidence 13.09.2020 17:15:00

sacred confidence weekend wisdom the powerful purpose of introverts holley gerth
Welcome to the final installment of Introvert Weekend Wisdom. Knowing that God made every one of us the way we are – introvert and extrovert – should give us the confidence we need to go about our daily lives. Increasing our confidence isn’t about changing how we feel, it’s about changing what we believe. Holley Gerth, The P... mehr auf joyreturns.com

The Powerful Purpose of Introverts by Holley Gerth (Review) 17.09.2020 10:00:00

books the powerful purpose of introverts holley gerth
I pre-ordered The Powerful Purpose of Introvert, Why The World Needs You To Be You, by Holley Gerth, as soon as I saw it available on Amazon back in March. Then about 8 weeks ago I received an email about being on the launch team and I jumped at the chance. I knew from reading some of Holley’s other books... mehr auf joyreturns.com

Introvert Weekend Wisdom: Connection and Community 06.09.2020 10:00:00

weekend wisdom medina ohio holley gerth the powerful purpose of introverts emma gatewood
Author’s Note: Welcome to Weekend Wisdom. I forgot to explain Weekend Wisdom for the readers new to my blog. Weekend Wisdom started shortly after JoyReturns inception (Jan 2011). On weekends I decided to post quotes, scripture, poems that would provide you with encouragement, laughter or something to think about. Doing this meant I only had t... mehr auf joyreturns.com

Introvert Weekend Wisdom: A Picture of My Mind 05.09.2020 15:05:16

weekend wisdom the powerful purpose of introverts holley gerth
Welcome to Introvert Weekend Wisdom featuring quotes from The Powerful Purpose of Introverts, Why The World Needs You To Be You by Holley Gerth. In her latest book, Holley has researched the biology of being an introvert and gives practical information thriving as an introvert. Today’s quote comes from the Sharp Thinking chapter. Introverts a... mehr auf joyreturns.com