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Tag preschool

Kitasuche in den USA #Elternalltag 11.04.2022 21:29:00

bildung kita u.s.a. preschool usa #elternalltag
Uns war schon von Anfang an klar, wenn wir in den USA leben werden, egal ob wir wissen für wie lang, die Kids sollen in die Tagesbetreuung. Dabei geht es nicht darum, Zeit zum Arbeiten zu haben sondern eher darum, den Kindern die Sprache näher zu bringen, soziale Kontakte zu knüpfen, ausgeglichener zu sein und etwas zu lernen und zu erleben, was... mehr auf nils-snake.de

Four Year Old Troubles 05.04.2019 13:06:53

children my stories child care kids preschool
One of the boys I watch is four.  Once I drop his five-year old brother off at school after lunch, it’s just the two of us for about three and a half hours.  He gets so bored without his brother. The main problem is, he just plain does not want to do much.  I offer […]... mehr auf grannyreports.wordpress.com

Hurra ich bin ein (Pre-) Schulkind #Elternalltag 16.10.2022 20:15:00

preschool #elternalltag blog und persönlich schule u.s.a.
Ich kann es selber kaum glauben, dass wir schon an diesem Punkt angekommen sind. Unsere Kinder gehen zur Schule! Natürlich ist es noch die Vorschule, aber immerhin. Nach nun 8 Monaten mit Mama zu Hause ist es an der Zeit mal die Tapeten zu wechseln. Den Ablauf und die Suche nach der richtigen Schule habe ich schon mal vor einiger Zeit hier niede... mehr auf nils-snake.de

Trying a Project for the 100th Time! 16.01.2024 14:11:31

preschool writing parenting toddler-activities kids homeschool children my stories
I have started and stopped this project many times. I think I mostly lack confidence as I don’t have an actual college degree in early childhood development. What I do have is over forty years of experience and a real love and interest in children and how they learn. One of the best parts of my job caring […]... mehr auf grannyreports.wordpress.com

The highest of highs and the lowest of lows: the decade that was 30.12.2019 14:45:20

uncategorized preschool smbc climate crisis 2018 vegetarian school parenting vegan life moments 2017 grateful loss 2015 fuzzy soul mate 2014 donor baby dogs 2016 family decade gratitude 2010 pregnancy love anxiety puppy grief #10yearchallenge life motherhood climate change sole mother by choice milestones 2012 romance 2013
I’m taking a look back at the highest of highs and the lowest of lows: the decade that was, inspired by the #10yearchallenge. If you have been playing along for a while, you will know it hasn’t always been easy. So many utterly amazing things have happened, bringing magic to my world, filling my heart... ... mehr auf bumpyroadtobubbadotcom.wordpress.com

Soapy Slime 04.11.2018 03:20:10

preschool fun preschool slime toddler slime soap slime toddler activity toddler fun babysitting soapy slime toddler & preschool ideas ava preschool activity
One of my favorite toddler activities is making soapy slime. It’s easy to make and endless fun for littles! Tonight I made it for Ava. Instructions to make Soapy Slime: Add a little bit of dish soap and water in a food processor or blender – remember this will mix and grow 🙂 less is...... mehr auf corisbigmouth.com