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Tag sufi

One Step One Time One Prayer 09.04.2024 05:44:12

spirituality #poetry #sufism uncategorized #storytellling love sufi
The storms get stronger, intense, and with it, the sun too became hotter, warmer but that was the consolation. You don’t get to see someone who is sitting quietly, happily in the chisht, confines. He doesn’t need you. You need it by all means. Show the gratefulness, a hundred names & the traits. How the … ... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

A Sufi’s Walking Path He Chooses To Walk 24.03.2024 05:00:50

storytelling sufi
In the heart of a vibrant city, where tradition and modernity entwined like threads of a rich tapestry, lived Anika, a woman of grace and elegance. By day, she navigated the corporate labyrinth with poise, her suit and dupatta a symbol of her identity, blending the heritage of her ancestors with the demands of contemporary … ... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

Morning Trip (260) 28.02.2017 13:35:47

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“There is a witness who watches the obstreperous play of flame and eros and says, This is the dance of existence. A great mutual embrace is always happening between the eternal and what dies between essence and accident. We are all writing the book of love. All the particles of the world are in love … ... mehr auf elisasspot.wordpress.com

Ali Ibn Muwaffaqs Pilgerfahrt 13.06.2018 00:01:14

fleisch tot pilger engel sufi not nichts zu essen sünden vergeben gelüste damaskus allgemein reinheitsgebot traum pilgerfahrt mekka harām allah esel kupferschmied schwanger ali ibn muwaffaq abdullah mubarak
Im 8. Jahrhundert lebte der weise Sufi Abdullah Mubarak. Der träumte eines Nachts, wie sich zwei Engel die letzten Neuigkeiten erzählten. Mehr als 600.000 Pilger seien dieses Jahr nach Mekka gereist. Allah habe aber nur eine einzige Pilgerfahrt anerkannt und … ... mehr auf satyamnitya.wordpress.com

what is my search 28.07.2018 12:38:09

abstract uncategorized a passing thought sufi
i just can't do anything except staying ro.u.oted... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

dhikr 18.09.2018 17:40:13

uncategorized a passing thought observations sufi
and, a must dhikr... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

Wille und religiöse Selbstaufgabe 11.02.2019 10:57:30

sufismus wille dwm-coachings derwisch sufi unio mystica religion hypnose uncategorized
Eine geistreiche Schönheit hat mir ein Buch empfohlen, das ich bisher nicht gelesen habe. Von mir also noch keine Empfehlung, sondern nur ein Hinweis darauf: Dieses Buch existiert. Nun bin ich seit meiner Jugend sehr interessiert an alt-arabischer Mystik, Kultur … ... mehr auf mfis.wordpress.com

Whirling Dervish! 29.05.2023 06:17:20

sufi observations
Teach me to pray!... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

Life Has This Way! 31.05.2023 05:57:25

sufi a passing thought
The path leads to somewhere!... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

Patched Khirka Of A Sufi 17.10.2023 05:38:09

uncategorized storytelling sufi
Once upon a time, in the dusty streets of an ancient city, lived a fakir named Anwar. His eyes were like gentle rivers flowing with kindness, and his beard was silver, mirroring the wisdom he had gathered over years of contemplation. He wore a simple khirka, a tattered robe made of patches and seams, each … ... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

मोहम्मद के शहर में 06.11.2023 04:23:26

sufi uncategorized
In the heart of a bustling market in Cairo, where the scents of cumin and cardamom blended with the dusty warmth of the desert, there dwelt an old fakir named Yusef. His hands were as rough as the sandstone walls that surrounded his modest dwelling, and his eyes, though aged, sparkled with the wisdom of … ... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

A Sufi Prays!With All His Heart 07.11.2023 04:29:06

uncategorized storytelling sufi
In the heart of India, where the Ganges flows with stories as old as time, there lived a Sufi sage named Noor. His heart was a vessel of love, filled with the remembrance of Allah, and his soul resonated with the divine vibrations of the Almighty’s hundred names. One day, as the sun painted the … ... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

The Dervish’s Dance – With Him Swirls The World! 09.11.2023 04:37:38

sufi uncategorized storytelling
In the heart of the ancient city, where the winds whispered tales of old, there was a dervish whose robe was as worn as the cobblestone paths he walked upon. Each day, at the break of dawn, he would unfurl his prayer rug, its edges frayed with the wisdom of time, and lay it gently … ... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

what is there do not ask me 21.09.2018 19:06:40

music a passing thought uncategorized sufi
do not ask me questions... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

and i watch you from a safe distance 17.06.2021 19:44:31

sufi #call
जाना जोगी दे नाल नी। .. मैं ... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

Sufi 26.09.2021 15:10:51

a passing thought sufi
It will not stop. It will never STOP... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

Why I want to be sufi? 11.12.2021 14:28:31

sufi #sufi
Maturity I am bench marking at!... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

i am sufi! i am sufi!i am sufi 15.12.2021 19:46:45

sufi a passing thought #sufi
This is absurd though. To think ... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

Rises & Blends with unknown 28.04.2023 06:06:35

sufi a passing thought
He stays in trance... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

Into you! 04.08.2023 05:16:20

a passing thought sufi
And I am loving you... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

The Breath of Transition 14.09.2023 05:23:19

sufi uncategorized
Emily sat on the edge of a cliff overlooking the ocean, her notebook open on her lap. Her pen hovered over the paper, but no words came. She looked out at the horizon where the sky kissed the sea, and took a deep breath. She felt her lungs expand, taking in the air and all … ... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

A Sufi In The Contemporary Setting 09.10.2023 05:33:27

uncategorized storytelling sufi
In the heart of a bustling city, amid the noise of traffic and the anonymous faces that populated its streets, was a haven of peace. Far removed from the blaring horns and relentless advertising billboards, the “Mystic Soul” café was where souls met and hearts conversed. But the café was more than just a place … ... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

Sufi Tent (Reprise) 11.05.2018 23:55:56

metric poems service poetry literature sufi
A thousand ways To prove our worth “A thousand ways To kiss the earth.” ... mehr auf timelessclassics.wordpress.com

A Sufi’s Tale in the City 15.11.2023 04:40:07

sufi uncategorized storytelling
In the heart of a bustling metropolis, with its endless symphony of honking cars, chattering crowds, and towering skyscrapers, there walked a figure, seemingly untouched by the city’s frenetic pulse. This was Idris, a man of Sufi wisdom, whose journey through the urban jungle was a testament to the power of inner peace. Idris, dressed …... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

Khanqah & A Woman’s Prayer 01.11.2023 04:19:39

uncategorized storytelling sufi
In the heart of Delhi, where the cacophony of daily life melded with the aroma of spices, lived Meera, an artist of extraordinary talent. Her hands could breathe life into clay and her brushstrokes could capture the essence of the universe. Yet, her soul yearned for something more, something divine. Meera’s small apartment was filled … ... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

some comfort in one’s own company 07.09.2018 18:16:44

abstract sufi uncategorized a passing thought music
चन किथ्हा गुजारी हायी... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

Mad Mausiqs 18.01.2022 20:36:40

sufi a passing thought
The mystics... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

You become a true creator 07.04.2023 06:19:19

sufi uncategorized
Dervish just whirled... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

The Mystic Lived On 12.06.2023 06:06:32

a passing thought sufi
and the rhythm continues...... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

Lost Found Lessons 02.11.2023 04:26:05

sufi uncategorized storytelling
In the heart of my serene garden, I stand still, gazing upon the marble bird bath that cradles the sky’s reflection. The morning sun casts a golden glow upon the water, and the birds, my companions in solitude, flutter and dip into this small oasis. I am but a silent observer, a Sufi seeking the … ... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

Peace Has Its Particles In the Universe 20.11.2023 04:34:40

sufi uncategorized storytelling
In the heart of a bustling city, with its soaring skyscrapers and relentless traffic, there existed a hidden garden. A sanctuary where time seemed to pause, and the cacophony of urban life faded into a distant hum. Amidst this serene haven lived an old Sufi mystic, known to the locals simply as Baba Qadir. Baba … ... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

Sufi 11.12.2020 05:22:18

#aliflohar #cokestudio sufi #sufi
Whatever But it Is ... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

Grüße ins Universum 08.09.2019 21:22:08

rumi liebe & leben tod weisheiten und zitate song-liste himmel universum religion & kirche philosophie gott sufi liebe
Wo immer du jetzt bist A, danke für unsere Begegnung auf Erden. Wir sind der Spiegel und das Gesicht darin. …... mehr auf aquasdemarco.wordpress.com

ओ रे पिया! ओ रे पिया! 03.12.2021 20:13:14

#sufi sufi
This is madness.... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

true to his worth, Sufi! 24.04.2023 06:02:57

sufi uncategorized
A monk knelt in prayer profound, His heart devout, his faith unwound, With reverent gaze and bended knee, He sought the divine, so earnestly. Gratitude filled his grateful heart, For blessings granted, a cherished part, He bowed in humble contrition, Seeking forgiveness with deep conviction. He pondered scripture, wisdom’s treasure, Lost in c... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

‘We’ Are Sufis 25.05.2023 06:13:11

sufi abstract
world of sufis... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

A Tale from the Nakshbandi and Chishti Orders in Saudi Arabia 20.10.2023 05:26:19

sufi uncategorized
In a secluded oasis in Saudi Arabia, two Sufi orders—Nakshbandi and Chishti—coexisted in harmony. The Nakshbandis were known for their silent dhikr, a form of remembrance that transcended words. The Chishtis, on the other hand, were famous for their soul-stirring qawwalis, musical gatherings that elevated the spirit. Sheikh Abdul, the Nakshbandi le... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

A Humble Flame’s Prayer 10.11.2023 04:27:49

uncategorized storytelling sufi
In the village of Rampur, there was a woman named Amina, whose life was as humble as the mud-brick home she lived in. Her days were painted in the colors of hardship, yet her spirit remained untethered, much like the kites that danced above the village during Basant. Amina held a deep reverence for the … ... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

A Fakir’s Reflection 14.11.2023 04:37:02

sufi storytelling uncategorized
In a quaint village where the golden sun kissed the earth with a warm embrace, there lived a Sufi Fakir named Hamza. His life was simple, filled with the joys of nature’s whispers and the rhythm of the universe’s heartbeats. One serene morning, as the sun rose, painting the sky in hues of orange and … ... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com

Words Lose Their Depth When… 22.11.2023 04:52:25

sufi uncategorized storytelling
In a land draped in the mystique of ancient tales, there existed a solitary mystic named Ilyas. He was a seeker of truth, walking the path of Sufism with unwavering devotion. Ilyas had spent years wandering through deserts and cities, seeking the wisdom of Sufi saints and scholars, to understand the deeper mysteries of life. … ... mehr auf sumitajetley.wordpress.com