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Tag conscious_contact

Morning Trip (311) 04.10.2017 14:06:41

critcism certainty truth in process losing elisabeth connelley impermanence elisa's spot #witchblogwednesday noticing security present compliments war of hearts (ruelle) music video permanence change uncertainty conscious contact elisa pema chodron winning progress morning trip
“The truth is that we’re always in some kind of in-between state, always in process. We never fully arrive. When we’re present with the dynamic quality of our lives, we’re also present with impermanence, uncertainty, and change. If we can stay present, then we might finally get that there’s no security or certainty in ... mehr auf elisasspot.wordpress.com

Morning Trip (372) 21.11.2022 13:32:04

elisabeth connelley washington irving elisa’s spot elisa’s spot grounding serenity purple shoe photography awe peace morning trip forest bathing elisa conscious contact
”There is a serene and settled majesty to woodland scenery that enters into the soul and delights and elevates it.”—-Washington Irving... mehr auf elisasspot.wordpress.com

Morning Trip (348) 18.03.2022 16:29:25

elisabeth connelley uncategorized "elisa's spot" grounding wendell berry peace elisa conscious contact the sound of peace sense spirits of place
“The soil of any one place makes its own peculiar and inevitable sense. It is impossible to contemplate the life of the soil for very long without seeing it as analogous to the life of the spirit.” —-Wendell Berry... mehr auf elisasspot.wordpress.com

Morning Trip (341) 04.07.2021 20:26:22

energy the earth path black hill-maze in the dark forest 1 old ideas elisa perception freedom magic personal inventory conscious contact things that limit uncategorized elisabeth connelley starhawk elisa’s spot elisa’s spot
”Magic is a discipline of the mind, and it begins with understanding how consciousness is shaped and how our view of reality is constructed. Since the time of the Witch persecutions, knowledge that derives from the worldview of an animate, interconnected, dynamic universe is considered suspect—-either outright evil or simply woo-woo. But whenever a... mehr auf elisasspot.wordpress.com

Morning Trip (345) 27.07.2021 15:34:07

blindly following conscious contact florence +the machine—no light no light florence +the machine—no light no light elisa right use of will meditation uncategorized elisabeth connelley light thich nhat hanh elisa’s spot elisa’s spot
“Meditation is not just blindly following whatever the person next to you does. To meditate you have to be skillful and make good use of your intelligence.” —Thich Nhat Hanh, Anger, Wisdom for Cooling the Flames... mehr auf elisasspot.wordpress.com

Morning Trip (362) 27.04.2022 19:24:11

anger practice progress morning trip elisa conscious contact navigating anger thich nhat hanh elisabeth connelley what is a good practitioner elisa’s spot elisa’s spot florence and the machine-free
“A good practitioner is not someone who no longer has any anger or suffering. This is not possible. A good practitioner is someone who knows how to take good care of her anger and suffering as soon as they arise. Someone who does not practice does not know how to handle the energy of anger … ... mehr auf elisasspot.wordpress.com

Dr. Wayne Dyer Greatest Life Advice // Conscious Contact 29.07.2022 16:31:27

spiritual diary life advise cookie thief conscious contact wayne dyer fashion / lifestyle
Herrn Dr. Wayne Dyer (war ein US-amerikanischer Psychologe, Autor und Redner im Bereich Consciousness), hatten wir bereits einmal im Zusammenhang mit der „Law Of Attraction Master Class“ und heute gibt es einen weiteren, hilfreichen Lebens-Ratschlag, den ich die Tage entdeckt habe. Auch der „Cookie Thief“, ein Gedicht von... mehr auf whudat.de

All Out of Still — Orphan Wisdom 28.04.2022 14:36:44

stillness conscious contact still elisa control spaces in between controlling outcomes uncategorized inspriation thinking orphan wisdom stephen jenkinson elisa’s spot elisa’s spot mind
A few months ago a certain degree of unspectacular life adversity leaned over to me and whispered: “What if you stop for a while? You were obliged off the road anyhow by the plague. Why not go the rest of the way there, and choose stillness?” Clever fellow. Years ago I remember coming across some stout… All … ... mehr auf elisasspot.wordpress.com

Morning Trip (375) 13.11.2023 14:02:22

elisa morning trip trees conscious contact we are all astronauts—ether we are all astronauts—ether nature elisa’s spot elisa’s spot blue skies enchantment yes joy elisabeth connelley higher power leaping spirits
”I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes.” —-E.E. Cummings... mehr auf elisasspot.wordpress.com

Morning Trip (359) 28.03.2022 14:03:44

conscious contact elisa morning trip molly remer spirit of place india arie—sacred space (audio) india arie—sacred space (audio) holy union brigid’s grove patreon brigid’s grove patreon grounding center elisa’s spot sacred elisa’s spot elisabeth connelley
“May you hold space in your day For the holy, For the sacred, For settling into center, For coming home to wholeness, For watching the world spin.” —-Molly Remer, Brigid’s Grove—Patreon... mehr auf elisasspot.wordpress.com