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Tag quince

Food-Rezept: Risotto mit Quitte 09.04.2018 14:44:21

blogger_de quince germanblogger vegetarian vegetarisch risotto aboutmateria food quitte
Das Rezept (für 2 Personen): 3 EL Reis 1 Quitte 1 Zwiebel 150-200 ml Wasser/Weißwein/Gemüsebrühe 2 Knoblauchzehen Etwas Kurkuma, 1 Lorbeerblatt, Pfeffer, Kreuzkümmel, Berberitzen, Salz, Rosmarin, Parmesan, Olivenöl Reis und die gewürfelte Zwiebel im Öl unter Rühren anschwitzen. Quitte und… ... mehr auf aboutmateria.com

Quince compote and spices 07.11.2023 11:56:49

quince cooking compote preserves ronell van wyk provence . french lifestyle french lifestyle food french countryside france fruit myfrenchkitchen
I simply adore quince. As a child I ate it raw with a pinch of salt. A fond memory. I like to bake it in the oven, as in here, or on pan fried on the stove like here or a crumble like here. Today I made a simple compote that is delicious with a…... mehr auf myfrenchkitchen.wordpress.com