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Mord im Auftrag Gottes (Originalversion) 20.12.2022 12:51:04

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Salt Lake Valley, 1984: Die Kriminalbeamten Jeb Pyre (Andrew Garfield) und Bill Taba (Gil Birmingham) ermitteln im grausamen Mord an der jungen Mutter Brenda Wright Lafferty (Daisy Edgar-Jones) und ihrer 15 Monate alten Tochter Erica. Brenda war, genau wie Pyre, … W... mehr auf minorherba.wordpress.com

Corona: Verdienstausfälle wegen Kinderbetreuung können entschädigt werden 01.04.2020 09:17:09

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Corona-Virus: Landesdirektion startet Förderung für Berufspendler aus Tschechien und Polen 29.03.2020 18:04:05

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... mehr auf hit-tv.eu

Are Jesus and Satan Brothers? 15.09.2023 00:34:32

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Jesus and Satan are brothers?  Talk about your dysfunctional families. One criticism frequently leveled against The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is: “They believe that Jesus and Satan are brothers!”  There’s usually no follow up to this zinger.  The doctrine is so offensive that it doesn’t need to be discussed.  It establishes o... mehr auf reallywanttoknow.wordpress.com

What do Mormons Believe About the Second Coming of Christ? 19.10.2023 00:54:13

mormon beliefs mormon doctrine book of mormon jesus christ lds lds church church of jesus christ of latter-day saints uncategorized mormons
When I learn that a Sunday School lesson is going to be on the Second Coming of Christ, I know that two things are going to happen. First, someone who has made the issue an obsession is going to hijack the class. Second, that same person is going to say something exceeding all expectations of […]... mehr auf reallywanttoknow.wordpress.com

Lexus RZ 450e – Ein neuer Stromer steht in den Startlöchern 12.04.2022 08:55:09

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Premiere für den Lexus RZ 450e: Das neue vollelektrische Lexus Modell wird im Rahmen einer globalen Veranstaltung am 20. April 2022 um 12 Uhr (MEZ) enthüllt. Übertragen wird die Präsentation auf der Webseite www.lexus.eu/car-models/rz-announcement.   Lexus RZ 450e als erster seiner Art Der RZ wurde gemäß der „Lexus Driving Signature“-Philosophie... mehr auf newcarz.de

Photo Challenge 2019 – Week 2 14.01.2019 06:22:54

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Week 2 is in the books! This week included photos from January 6th – January 12th. Bring on week 3!! – Cori... mehr auf corisbigmouth.com

Why Aren’t Mormons More Bothered by Their History? 21.09.2023 17:25:38

mormons uncategorized lds church lds joseph smith church of jesus christ of latter-day saints mormon mormon beliefs
I’ll admit that the title up there is misleading. Plenty of members of the Church of Jesus Christ are bothered either by actual events in our history of which they were unaware or distorted portrayals of “facts.” Or stuff that is made up entirely. And there are people leaving the Church because of things they […]... mehr auf reallywanttoknow.wordpress.com