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Tag the_dead

The Grateful Dead – The Best Of The Grateful Dead 08.04.2015 15:03:44

funk the dead pop folk grateful dead cd-kritik the grateful dead country jerry garcia
The Grateful Dead – The Best Of The Grateful Dead Es gab mal eine Zeit in meinem Leben, ich war etwa 18 oder 19 Jahre alt, da... The post ... mehr auf diekopfhoerer.de

The Clearing 23.11.2020 15:23:34

lives of the poets feral animals of the soul on the road the dead addiction notes from underground oran immrama memoir madness and mania infernos forest shenanagans natural supernatural ship of fools noir big night music the dark neolithics boning the ghoul alcoholism devotions this is my box otherworlds
space I spent years in booze’s blackest forest, blundering every night from road to bar to road to bed like some hunter-gatherer of the Abyssal Age, so deep and lost inside the wild of uncorked spirits that blackout was the only … Continue reading U... mehr auf blueoran.wordpress.com

Eurydice to Orpheus 04.05.2021 23:26:57

elegy blue love devotions myth and archetype pagan hours poetry otherworlds shamanism culture big night music noir additions and subtractions the dark greek mythology mystery oran immrama notes from underground luminaries grief death creativity spirituality cooling heart art and heart the dead
space You sing about loss: I am lament. Comb your blues with my black throat, in meters that have no feet to wind the moody shade. Your songs are suitors: you lured Persephone from her loom, Cerberus bawled for his … Continue reading →... mehr auf blueoran.wordpress.com

Whispering Sophia 12.02.2019 11:35:36

big night music noir poetry otherworlds beauty heels blue grails dream archive on the half shell the dead art and heart jazz luminaries water-folk oran
space She came to me out of some emerald of wave urban night, dripping black girders and neon rain streets, a vision icily candescent, the most beautiful X chromosome to date. A blonde Higgs boson whose charm danced both too … Continue reading U... mehr auf blueoran.wordpress.com

Stillness 09.07.2022 11:21:03

immrama oran all the dumb dudes grief the dead elegy neolithics
space There is a stillness to places where the dead are buried which tells us breath is a theft which air returns to purity, the meandering water now sea, our nightly round in dreams stopped in its revolving door. Dun … Continue reading →... mehr auf blueoran.wordpress.com

The Art of Yearning 04.04.2020 11:06:46

grails the sea otherworlds devotions shamanism oran mystery remembrance infernos beauty heals writing earthweal poetics voyagers music art and heart the dead
space I’m learning to write the way I always yearned to play piano. Not the upright in the family parlor that I banged on trying to read sheet music for a year.  Nor the spinet in a college rehearsal room when … Continue reading →... mehr auf blueoran.wordpress.com

Orpheus Adream 17.02.2022 21:11:12

immrama oran notes from underground narrative poem dream art and heart the dead pathetic fallacies aging poetry mythology grails the dark big night music noir
space Alone he roamed the Hyperborean North And wandered along the snowy banks of the Don Or through the barren frozen fields on the sides Of Piphean mountains, in grief for his lost wife And Hades’ empty promise. — Virgil, … Continue reading U... mehr auf blueoran.wordpress.com

Island of the Beloving 18.05.2021 19:24:37

additions and subtractions devotions history otherworlds the sea elegy voyagers the dead art and heart grief mystery immrama bromancing the stone
  You’re still on that island, I know, your t-shirt still sweaty from your last bright springtime run, your eyes still blue as the sky which no longer oceanned you. You are that sunny rock because Salem by the time … Continue reading →... mehr auf blueoran.wordpress.com

Renewal (Night Mist) 05.02.2020 11:52:31

oran infernos night moves the future earthweal the dead otherworlds renewal bog bones natural supernatural
  The renewal’s out there in a great wide haze lingering in deep night like the world’s own shade or ours—who can say—black and void except where the streetlights delve it, or a passing car, a lingering width of fume … Continue reading &... mehr auf blueoran.wordpress.com

The Loosener’s Rite 14.10.2020 00:11:16

mythology nature the sea global warming alcoholism devotions myth and archetype pagan hours poetry natural supernatural shamanism floridiana culture big night music additions and subtractions the library down under the dark mystery oran immrama madness and mania death spirituality the future mind the dead art and heart
  Tonight, thank Heaven, Your hand is close,even heavy on my brow. Has it been that long?Like a mineshaft is History, deep and cold; all our past lives labor somewhere in it, hearingthrough the wall the voices of distant singersfrom … Continue reading ... mehr auf blueoran.wordpress.com

The Monster Man of No Man’s Land 24.10.2023 21:47:47

the future the dead mind post-christianity death madness and mania noir big night music culture war and peace the dark additions and subtractions mythology otherworlds history poetry
space He’s a bit of every one of us who failed to come back from the Great War. Observe how he was assembled from the charnel loam of Passchandaele: torso of the Brit picked off barbed wire, hand of Boche … Continue reading →... mehr auf blueoran.wordpress.com

Song of The Fish-Woman 13.10.2019 13:29:37

art and heart the dead dream voyagers the future beauty heals spirituality creativity water-folk post-christianity immrama oran mystery prayer the dark iona big night music culture shamanism sexuality celtic myth natural supernatural otherworlds poetry myth and archetype devotions the sea mythology
space She came up from the sea of night to teach me her wet druidry. “Here is Womb,” she rasped through a larynx of gale, pointing to the sea inside her scales. “The water of birth and firstness, blue glitters … Continue reading →... mehr auf blueoran.wordpress.com