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Tag self-awareness

Speak the language of your inner child, listen to your inner critic and take the couch potato along for the ride – How to motivate yourself in 6 steps 04.02.2018 14:53:21

motivation self-awareness inner critic the law of attraction joy inner child loa genuine personal development couch potato personal growth the inner journey know thyself
deutsch I’ve found a bunch of pretty fabrics in the attic, which have just been lying around since they seemed to precious to use (a habit that I’m glad I ditched – beautiful things are for using, not to be left to a slow and invisible death in a box in the attic!). Seeing them […]... mehr auf roadtowalden.wordpress.com

Bored! 22.02.2024 13:11:24

mental health dailyprompt health dailyprompt-1856 my stories boredom self-awareness
I have a hard time with boredom when the weather is either too hot, or too cold to go out and move around. Especially the heat. At those times, I watch Netflix or Hulu until I feel like I will scream from boredom. If a show is good (well, good to me) it’s not so […]... mehr auf grannyreports.wordpress.com

Blossoms 14.04.2018 18:20:14

slowing down blossom trees gentleness mindfulness self-care self-awareness
I’ve always been drawn to blossoms. They are beautiful and fragile. Fleeting. I never realized it when I was young but now that I’m older, blossoms signify something completely different for me. Blossoms remind me to slow down and appreciate the present. Because at one moment, the blossoms are there – splendid in their simplicity ... mehr auf iggylife.com

State of Mind und der Plot als MacGuffin - Warum die vordergründige Handlung in State of Mind irrelevant ist 28.11.2018 08:00:01

star wars self-awareness leonardo dicaprio giulio tononi artikel inception christopher nolan menschsein pulp fiction selbstbewusstsein consciousness das erwachen der macht macguffin leib-seele-problem the force awakens lost alfred hitchcock dom cobb martin ganteföhr luke skywalker following jj abrams philosophie 4 8 15 16 23 42 phi
MacGuffin ist ein Begriff aus dem Film und bezeichnet Objekte oder Personen, die eine Handlung vorantreiben, ohne dabei für die … Der Beitrag State of Mind und der Plot als MacGuffin erschien zuerst auf ... mehr auf zockworkorange.com