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Tag suffer

Three Questions That Demand Answers. 29.09.2022 21:53:01

suffer righteous prosperity suffered gospel outreach prosper wicked wickedness righteousness suffering
it is a mystery that the righteous may suffer while the wicked prospers but their end is what matters most. it will be well with the righteous while it will be ill with the wicked at last. Continue reading →... mehr auf 4thlink.wordpress.com

His Accent Was Strong 29.05.2018 06:05:37

survivor tattoo peace war anger holocaust grief concentration camp murder suffer life chatter world war ii
I am as far removed from the actual events of World War II as one can be. I am not old enough to have lived through it, have had to fight for it, sacrificed for it or have first hand knowledge of the loss of it. I learned some things about it when I went […]... mehr auf bikecolleenbrown.wordpress.com

Victims 31.05.2022 06:03:12

abuse men domestic abuse johnny depp spousal abuse pain life chatter suffer adult protective services
Too many times I spoke with men who were being abused.  Abused in many and multiple different ways:  physically, mentally/emotionally, verbally or financially.   Even with proof ‘in hand’ that these men were being abused I can count on one hand how many of them wanted to admit to it, tell me about it, or do […]... mehr auf bikecolleenbrown.wordpress.com

The Wilds Of Her Mind 12.09.2018 06:05:47

perception hide familiar draw life chatter people suffer exist differences compassion reality truth escape experience.
In the wilds of her mind Where the landscapes are rocky and treacherous She, Is familiar and safe. She explores a world Unknown to all But her. As she, Avoids this world we know.                       ©... mehr auf bikecolleenbrown.wordpress.com

Five Minute Friday: Suffer 01.03.2024 21:21:19

five minute friday grief joy suffer
Today’s post is part of Five Minute Friday (FMF) hosted by Kate Motaung. Posts are written in 5 minutes. This took a little longer due to needing the thesaurus. The flowers represent the end of a loved one’s suffering and the beginning of my new life. The suffering my loved one endured that last week… ... mehr auf joyreturns.com