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Tag being_there

Fantastischer Film: Willkommen Mr. Chance 25.01.2024 14:00:00

being there fantastische filme hal ashby 1979 movie melvyn douglas spielfilm fantastischer film literaturverfilmung usa film life is a state of mind review peter sellers tragikomödie willkommen mr. chance ruth attaway tragikomã¶die
Der alte Mann ist tot – und nun? Mr. Chance (Peter Sellers) scheint nicht ganz zu verstehen, was um ihn herum passiert. Der reiche Mann für den er seit Kindheitstagen an als Gärtner arbeitete, ist gestorben. Dass der Haushalt aufgelöst wird, sitzt Chance einfach aus bis es nicht mehr geht. Das Anwesen und Gelände hat […]... mehr auf missbooleana.wordpress.com

5 for Friday: 5 Movies I Watched Last Week 23.03.2018 14:56:59

hector and the search for happiness movies french movies being there the grocer's son madame bovary books movies to watch when you are alone the hedgehog books as movies
Usually, when my husband goes out of town I post about all the fun food I cooked that he can’t normally eat. (I did that here, here, here and here.) Instead, this week I’m posting about 5 movies that I watched during the eight days my husband was on vacay. Normally, my husband is the […]... mehr auf seasonitalready.wordpress.com

5 for Friday: What I’ve Been Reading 30.03.2018 14:43:56

pow memoir evidence not seen wwii memoir being there a wrinkle in time books e-audiobook movie adaptations of books everything everything rocco dispirito now eat this
I have found a way to bring even more reading into my life… I’m not much of an e-reader person. I don’t own one nor a tablet and I’ve tried to read a bit on my phone, with little success. (I’m easily distracted.) So, generally, I read traditional books at night before bed. I listen […]... mehr auf seasonitalready.wordpress.com