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EU-Kommission startet neue Mastodon-Instanz: Ein Schritt in Richtung digitales Europa 17.05.2024 19:16:00

#digitaleu allgemein digitaleu
Lesedauer 3 Minuten Bis vor kurzem stand der Weiterbetrieb der Mastodon-Instanz der EU-Kommission in den Sternen. Es war...... mehr auf dasnetzundich.de

IoTrust Project Kickstart 15.09.2020 10:48:00

cybersecurity ngitrust privacy research project ngi horizon2020 digitaleu security iomt iotsecurity ngieu internet of things iot trust iiot
It is our pleasure to announce that IoTrust project has been selected for funding under the NGI TRUST. The digital worx GmbH and Odin Solutions submitted the IoTrust project proposal in the NGI_TRUST 3rd Open Call. The NGI_TRUST has been cofounded by European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program. It supports the development of... mehr auf think.digital-worx.de