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Tag desperation

Are we living in a dystopian future? 17.03.2018 18:43:32

maschinentheorie evolution disrespect desperation human logic technologie radical machines real estate cyber-bullying human dignity teamwork adaption of technology ill self-preserving of life computer operator activist disease selection machine operator history ai logic creating history factories burnout life love dystopian future syndrome theologie operator selected out-selected national socialism violence human being value added smombi charity restart corrupted dystopy computer technology production human beings making history economics economic collapse bullying humanism democracy mental illness future critics illness consumer restart history human reason self-preserving altruism computerkritik dystopian world philosophie raumfahrt urbanisierung weak globalisierung soziologie freedom computing jobs humanist activist activism fatal riots computers human skills machine energy of life fascism proletarians capitalism robots society psychologie destroy computers loose jobs socialism enviousness dystopian destruction demolishen depression consumer products reason destroy machines economic restrictions survival out-selection artificial intelligence rechenmaschinen computer humans smartphone technology people diseases hatred psychosomatic vital energy trust humanist activism responsibility holocaus skills amok
Can it be that history went wrong and we actually live in a dystopian world? Can it be that the evolution of society was once meant to empower people, to give them ultimate freedom and responsibility of their own life and even the life of other people? Didn’t we trust in human mind and reason? […]... mehr auf monstermaschine.wordpress.com

[Projekt Stephen King]: Desperation 27.09.2023 09:42:38

stephen king desperation nevada viking verlag roman dömonen highway 50 dã¶monen projekt stephen king horror tak
Seit ich mich vertieft in das Werk von Stephen King hinein begeben habe, wurde ich immer wieder (meist positiv) überrascht. Ich hatte mich auch deswegen zu dem Projekt Stephen King entschlossen, weil ich rund die Hälfte seiner Bücher noch gar nicht kannte oder nur grobe Inhaltsangaben bekannt waren. Dabei bilden die 1990er sogar einen Spezialfall..... mehr auf lesenmachtgluecklich.wordpress.com